Allergens Monthly Guide

Allergens Monthly Guide


Pollen may not be a worry in January but there are plenty of other allergens around. 

If you had a real Christmas tree up in December, then the allergens may still be lingering around (read our article on this). 

Colder temperatures also mean putting the heating on which can circulate dust, allergens, and other debris throughout your home, giving no respite to allergy sufferers. 

Regular vacuum cleaning is still just as important in winter for allergies as any other season - we’ve got some tips on how often you should Hoover here.


February can bring the first emergence of the year of tree pollen in some parts of the country, generally the south. Examples of early pollinators are elm, willow, alder, hazel and yew.

February is still mid-winter so all of the allergens around in January are still an annoyance in February. Keep on top of them all with a Hoover vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter such as an Upright 300.


March is the month where winter ends and spring begins (20th of March). Trees and grasses begin releasing pollen into the air. Many winter allergens can still be floating around as temperatures remain low but this is the month to keep an eye out on the pollen count in earnest.

Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis)  is typically highest when grass starts to get cut, which still won’t be that often in March, but keep an ear out for the sounds of nearby lawnmowers to decide the best course of action.


April is when many people will start to properly feel pollen and hay fever allergies as flowers begin to bloom, trees are pollinating and lawns get cut. Keep on top of it by limiting exposure, take off your outside clothes as soon as you get in, vacuum clean regularly with either and upright, cordless or cylinder.


Spring is well and truly established in May and the same goes for spring allergies. Grass pollen (hay fever) is likely to be much more of a concern at this time of the year but yet to peak. Keep your doors and windows closed if you can and use a HEPA vacuum to create a safe haven on the inside.

Furthermore, pets that moult and shed hair seasonally may start to do so  - keep them groomed regularly and do it outside. Consider a vacuum cleaner with a pet brush to keep on top of the build up of pet hair indoors. 


If your hay fever hasn’t been triggered already then it’s likely to do so in June without precaution; especially as more of us spend longer outdoors in the sunshine. Higher temperatures and occasional rainfall can impact the pollen count - rainfall during pollen season makes them spread more.

It’s also important to remember that there are other allergies around other than pollen - house dust, pet allergies and mould can still cause problems without regular vacuuming and dusting. 


Grass pollen will still be in the air but the peak should be over by July, depending on rainfall and temperatures. But, flowers will still be in bloom and plenty of people will be cutting their grass still so there’s no time to be complacent.

Regular vacuuming with the HEPA Filter with your doors and windows closed will help keep your home free from allergens.


Mould and fungus start to make an appearance due to the hot and humid weather and damp spots. Not everyone is allergic to these and they’re not as widespread as grass pollen but can still cause issues to those sensitive to allergens.

They are present in gardens and outdoor walks and can be brought in with your clothes.

For those who are particularly sensitive to mould and fungus, try to stay in when the count is high and take off clothes when you get in from the great outdoors. The usual vacuuming sessions with a HEPA filter will go a long way.


Ragweed pollen is a common allergy that hangs around until late summer/early autumn when pollen and hay fever have subsided. The wetter and windier the weather, the more easy it is to spread and cause reactions.

Dogs who moult seasonally can do so again in the autumn as they prepare their winter coats so a vacuum cleaner for pets is recommended.


Most classic spring/summer/autumn allergies will have slowed down by October. However, many will still be around, especially mould, weed pollen and fungi. The wetter and windier the weather, the more likely it can spread. 

As temperatures drop and the air gets thicker more air pollution can hang in the hair and get into your home.


November is a good month for people suffering with outdoor allergies and you should feel that symptoms are at their most manageable. As with January, your biggest concerns will be with indoor allergens - keep on top of them with a HEPA-fitted vacuum.


Indoor allergens will be your enemy, such as pet hair and dander, dust, mould and especially air pollution. Be very careful when bringing old dusty decorations from the loft and be prepared for a rough ride if you plan on getting a real Christmas tree this year. Read our Christmas cleaning guide for more.

An Air purifier for dust and other allergens is again your friend this December as well as regular vacuuming.